Our app is suitable for any stage of pregnancy or labour, including caesareans. Any time you want to feel more calm and in tune with your body you can slip on the headset and spend as long as you want in a peaceful space just focusing on relaxing and being present with your baby. Or if you want to be distracted from the stresses and strains of the world, we have some immersive games to keep your mind gently busy.

To get the best results, we would recommend using our app most in the weeks leading up to the birth, around 3-4 times a week for 10 mins each time.

You may also wish to use it as a distraction tool while giving birth, including in the early stages of labour or while waiting for an elective caesarean to commence.

All you need is a smart phone and compatible VR headset, such as a Samsung S6 and the Samsung Gear headset.

The experiences will be suitable for glasses wearers – you can choose to keep them on or take them off, which ever feels most comfortable at the time