You probably haven’t seen anything like this before.

We know it can be hard to imagine what a calm birth would be like. That’s why we have gathered some of our favourite youtube videos so you can see for yourself how lovely it can be.

These are all examples of the sort of birth we want to help you achieve, but we can’t take credit for helping these amazing mums as our product is still in development. These ladies are using traditional hypnosis and breathing techniques.

Some of these videos are quite graphic, so worth watching where you have privacy. But don’t worry, they are awe inspiring and miraculous and nothing to be squeamish about!

Hospital birth

Missy used self hypnosis techniques and was supported by a doula to stay in a hypnotic state. We love how she looks even more relaxed during a contraction. There is nothing explicit in this clip.

Home water birth

This video is so great because this mum is having her second child after a difficult first labour – and she’s blown away by how much the hypnosis tools she used have helped. She makes it look easy! Also has some amazing underwater camera work (ie it is a bit more graphic)

Hospital birth

This video is a bit longer, but includes a great detailed descriptions of progress, and examples of lots of different positions and techniques. Also shows that even when the mother is calm and happy it still takes hard work to get the baby out.