Why use this rather than traditional hypnosis?

In the past, many women have found that deep breathing and hypnosis were not enough to get them through labour because they could not maintain their focus.

The immersive nature of our virtual reality tracks makes it much easier to stay in a calm, hypnotic state, even as the labour progresses.

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We have created an app that you download onto your mobile phone, just like any other. But the cool thing with this app, is that when you run it while it’s in a VR headset (sold separately) it will take you to the most beautiful places on earth (or in our heads).

Sound tracks will guide you to become quickly and deeply relaxed using meditation and hypnosis techniques. You can use the app any time or place (as long as it’s safe for you to be in your own little relaxation bubble for a while).

Getting started is easy:

1)    Set up a comfortable and safe space for you to sit for at least 10 minutes

2)    Open the app on your phone and plug in head phones

3)    Slot the phone into the headset

4)    Put the headset on

5)    ….and relax!

How it works

Our app helps you to be as relaxed and in tune with your body as possible while you give birth.

Some of the tracks will teach you meditation and hypnosis for you to practice in the weeks before the due date. Others are for you to use during the early stages of labour providing distraction and enhancing the relaxation effects of the meditation and hypnosis skills you will have developed.

Being in a hypnotic state just means being deeply deeply relaxed. At no point will you be asleep, unaware or out of control. You can choose to leave the hypnotic state at any point you wish.


Meditation and hypnosis are relaxation tools, and not a substitute for professional medical care. You should advise your medical carers that you are using the app, and take their guidance regarding how it should complement your wider care. While we believe the app should help most women, when used properly, we cannot guarantee a specific outcome as this is reliant on several external factors beyond our control. The app should be used in accordance with the instructions of the headset you choose to use. VR headsets should only be used while seated. Use of the app should be discontinued if discomfort or nausea are experienced.